1- Sheikh Dr Yusri Jabr Al-Hasani, he attended the commentary of the six books and some books of Hadith (commentary of the six books, the Mawtat of Imam Malik, the Musnad of Imam Al-Shafi’i, the Sunnat Al-Darimi, the Pearl and the Morgan in what the two Sheikhs agree upon, Dalil Al-Falihin commentary on Riyadh Al-Salihin, Bahjah Al-Nufus Ibn Abi Jumra, the Musnad of Imam Ahmad (continuous)). He authorised him with all his records in hadith.
2- Sheikh Dr Abdul Razzaq Al-Saadi, who authorised him with all his predecessors in hadith narration and study.
3- Sheikh Dr Rafi Al-Rifai, Muqtadi of the Iraqi Diaspora, attended the reading of the six books, and granted him permission for all his books and narrations.
4- Sheikh Dr Ali Juma’ah, he granted him permission for all his books and narrations.
5- Sheikh Dr Osama Al-Sayyid Al-Zuhri, attended the reading of Al-Arbaeen Al-Nawawiya, with the reading of Sheikh Al-Majizi, and granted him permission with all his lines and narrations.
6- Sheikh Al-Habib Ali Al-Jafri, he authorised him with all his lines and narrations.
7- Sheikh Osama bin Ali, who authorised him with all the traditions and narrations of his Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Al-Qatani, in his famous thawbah “Obbah Al-Muhajir and Tawbah Al-Hajir” (Repentance of the Immigrant).
8- Sheikh Farid al-Baji al-Tunisi, Sheikh of Dar al-Hadith al-Zaytuna, general permission for all his narrations and narrations.
9- Sheikh Faraj Yaqoub Al-Aqsari, the Egyptian, authorised him with all his narrations and narrations.
10- Sheikh Dr Yusuf bin Abdul Rahman Al-Marashli, general permission for all his narrations, narration and study.
11- Sheikh Ahmad bin Abdul Razzaq Al-Anqari of Kuwait, with all his narrations, genealogies, and works.
12- Sheikh Dr Abdullah Saleh bin Muhammad al-Obeid, general permission for all his narrations, in his book The Hundred Musanids, or Al-Isaad with the narration of a hundred high-supported Musanids