His sheikhs in Egypt
Sheikh Dr. Yasser Jabr Al-Hasani: He studied under him:
- Shafi’i jurisprudence(Fath Al-Qarib Al-Mujib in explaining the words of Al-Taqrib, Al-Bajuri’s commentary on Ibn Al-Qasim Al-Ghazi’s explanation of Abu Shuja’s text).
- Theology (The Creed of the Common People, The Shining Purchase, The Creed of the Gnostics in the Introduction to the Book of the Qushayri Epistle).
- Hadith narration and knowledge (Explanation of the Six Books, Muwatta of Imam Malik, Musnad of Imam Al-Shafi’i, Sunan Al-Darimi, Al-Lulu’ and Al-Marjan in what the two Sheikhs agreed upon, Guide of the Successful, Explanation of Riyad Al-Salihin, Delight of Souls by Ibn Abi Jamrah, Musnad of Imam Ahmad (continued)).
- Quranic Sciences(Al-Burhan by Al-Zarkashi, Al-Itqan by Al-Suyuti, and Manahil Al-Irfan by Al-Zarqani).
- Interpretation of the entire Quran.
- Books on biography, education and behavior.
The Sheikh granted him a special license for everything he studied with him, and a general license for all his chains of transmission, both in narration and knowledge.
Sheikh Dr. Ali Gomaa: He studied under him:
- the text of Al-Ghayah and Al-Taqreeb in Shafi’i jurisprudence, and the Forty Hadith in the Fundamentals of Religion by Imam Al-Ghazali. Sheikh Ali Gomaa, may God protect him, introduced the book “Isharat Al-Arifeen in the Purification of Prophets and Messengers,” written by Sheikh Khaldoun Amin Al-Hiti Al-Qadri.
- The Sheikh’s license is a general license to collect chains of transmission of narration and knowledge.
Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Salem Abu Asi, studied under him:
- Principles of jurisprudence(Al-Luma’ by Al-Baydawi, Jami’ Al-Jawami’ by Al-Subki, Al-Tamhid by Al-Isnawi, A Brief Explanation of Al-Ghazali’s Mustafā by Ibn Rushd Al-Hafid, The Origins of Meaning in the Holy Qur’an)
- Theology(Al-Musayara by Ibn Al-Hammam, The Jewel of Monotheism, Explanation of Al-Nasafiyyah)
- logic (Mulla Abdullah Yazdi’s commentary on the text of Al-Tahdhib, the rational universals).
Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Hassan Othman Al-Azhari Al-Masry, the great Arabic scholar, studied under him:
- He authorized him to read all of them.(Al-Azhar Introduction, Qatar Al-Nada, Alfiyyah of Ibn Malik, Clear Eloquence, and Morphology).
Sheikh Ali Saleh, the Arabic scholar at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, studied under him:
- He granted him a general license.(The Sunnah Masterpiece with an Explanation of the Introduction to Ajrumiyyah, the Book of Fragrance of Knowledge in the Art of Morphology).
Professor Ayman Amin Abdel Ghani, the distinguished Arabic scholar, author of great works in Arabic sciences.
- He authorized him to read all of these books and commentaries.(Sufficient Grammar, Sufficient Rhetoric, Sufficient Morphology, Alfiyyah of Ibn Malik)
Sheikh Khaled Abdel Aziz, Professor of Arabic and author of the book Applied Grammar, which has been adopted for teaching in many Arab and international schools.
- He studied the book (Applied Grammar in its entirety) with him and he was granted a license to do so.