His sheikhs in Iraq
- He began seeking religious knowledge at a young age at the hands of scholars of the city of Hit, headed by Sheikh Dr. Ismail Abdul Razzaq Al-Dosari, may God have mercy on him, in the Eastern Hit Mosque, which had a great impact in planting a love of religious knowledge in the Sheikh.
Sheikh Dr. Abdul Malik Al-Saadi, may God protect and preserve him: He studied under him:
- Grammar books (Gold Fragments (continued), The Pleasant Joy in Explaining Alfiya by Al-Suyuti, edited by Sheikh (complete), and Mughni Al-Labib by Ibn Hisham).
- Rhetoric (Part of the book “Jawahir Al-Balagha” by Ahmed Al-Hashemi, “Mukhtasar Al-Ma’ani” by Al-Taftazani (continued)).
- Shafi’i jurisprudence(The curriculum of students in Shafi’i jurisprudence from the chapter on expenses to the end of the book)
- Hanafi jurisprudence (Guidance in explaining the beginning of the beginner (continued)).
- Principles of jurisprudence (Part of the book “Mizan al-Usul fi Nati’ij al-Uqul” by al-Samarqandi, edited by the Sheikh. And the book “Irshad al-Fuhool” by al-Shawkani (continued).
- Creed (Al-Shaibaniyah, Al-Sanusiyah, and Al-Nafsiyah).
- Logic(Explanation of the Ladder, the Fanari benefits on the Isagoge text).
- Interpretation (Al-Baydawi’s interpretation (continued).
- Inheritance(Al-Rahbia).
In addition to many of the Sheikh’s works on comparative jurisprudence, principles, grammar, and jurisprudential rules.
- Sheikh Dr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Saadi, may God preserve him, and he studied with him all the scientific texts, in grammar, rhetoric, morphology, theology, jurisprudence, inheritance, and the principles of jurisprudence. The study lasted for four years. The Sheikh granted him a general international license in rational and transmitted knowledge, and all of his chains of transmission are narration and knowledge.
- Sheikh Abdul Razzaq wrote a review of the book “Isharat Al-Arifin fi Tanzih Al-Anbiya’ wal-Mursalin” by Sheikh Khaldoun Amin Al-Hiti Al-Qadri.
- Sheikh Dr. Rafi Al-Rifai, the Mufti of Iraq, attended part of the explanation of the book Jami’ Al-Jawami’ in the principles of jurisprudence, and attended the reading of the book Jami’ Al-Jawami’ and granted him a license for it. And part of the Sheikh’s explanation of the text Qatr Al-Nada in grammar, and the Sheikh’s explanation of his blessed poem in the ten categories, and granted him a license for it. And the sessions of the chains of transmission of the six books, and granted him a license with their complete chains of transmission, and attended part of the explanation of the book Al-Shifa by Judge Iyad.
- Sheikh Rafeh, may God protect him, reviewed the book of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, from the beginning to eternity in the Qur’an and Sunnah in its entirety, and presented it.
- The knower of God, Sheikh Khalil Muhammad Al-Fayyad, granted him a license with all his chains of transmission, in knowledge, narration, behavior, and remembrances.
- Dr. Hussam Ghadhban Al-Rubaie, studied the entire book “Qatr Al-Nada” on grammar with him, and he granted him a license to do so.
- The World of Hadith, the Great Al-Masnad Al-Kabir, the perfect investigator, Sheikh Dr Subhi Al-Samarrai
Sheikh Dr Abdul - Moneim Al Hitti, may God have mercy on him, studied Hanafi jurisprudence and inheritance